withered |
gaunt |
As adjectives the difference between withered and gaunt
is that
withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water while
gaunt is lean, angular and bony.
As a verb withered
is (
withered |
wilt |
As verbs the difference between withered and wilt
is that
withered is (
wither) while
wilt is to droop or become limp and flaccid (as a dying leaf or flower) or
wilt can be .
As an adjective withered
is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
As a noun wilt is
the act of wilting or the state of being wilted.
wasted |
withered |
As adjectives the difference between wasted and withered
is that
wasted is not profitably used while
withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
As verbs the difference between wasted and withered
is that
wasted is (
waste) while
withered is (
withered |
rotten |
As an adjective withered
is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
As a verb withered
is (
As a noun rotten is
wisened |
withered |
As verbs the difference between wisened and withered
is that
wisened is (
wisen) while
withered is (
As an adjective withered is
shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
withered |
weathered |
As adjectives the difference between withered and weathered
is that
withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water while
weathered is worn by weather; as of rocks, stone, etc.
As verbs the difference between withered and weathered
is that
withered is (
wither) while
weathered is (
languished |
withered |
As verbs the difference between languished and withered
is that
languished is (
languish) while
withered is (
As an adjective withered is
shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
shrivelled |
withered |
As adjectives the difference between shrivelled and withered
is that
shrivelled is wrinkled because the volume has reduced while the surface area of the outer layer has remained constant while
withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
As verbs the difference between shrivelled and withered
is that
shrivelled is (
shrivel) while
withered is (
faulty |
withered |
As adjectives the difference between faulty and withered
is that
faulty is having or displaying faults; not perfect; not adequate or acceptable while
withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
As a verb withered is
past tense of wither.
wither |
withered |
As verbs the difference between wither and withered
is that
wither is to go against, resist; oppose while
withered is past tense of wither.
As an adverb wither
is against, in opposition to.
As an adjective withered is
shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.