Shrivelled vs Withered - What's the difference?
shrivelled | withered |
Wrinkled because the volume has reduced while the surface area of the outer layer has remained constant.
Collapsed in size.
Shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.
*:Three chairs of the steamer type, all maimed, comprised the furniture of this roof-garden, withon one of the copings a row of four red clay flower-pots filled with sun-baked dust from which gnarled and rusty stalks thrust themselves up like withered elfin limbs.
As adjectives the difference between shrivelled and withered
is that shrivelled is wrinkled because the volume has reduced while the surface area of the outer layer has remained constant while withered is shrivelled, shrunken or faded, especially due to lack of water.As verbs the difference between shrivelled and withered
is that shrivelled is (shrivel) while withered is (wither).shrivelled
Alternative forms
* shriveled (US)Adjective
(en adjective)- A prune is a shrivelled plum.
- His insults, from someone I respect so much, make me want to shrivel up and die.