What's the difference between
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Mediocre vs Unremarkable - What's the difference?

mediocre | unremarkable |

As adjectives the difference between mediocre and unremarkable

is that mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) while unremarkable is not remarkable.

Boring vs Mediocre - What's the difference?

boring | mediocre |

As adjectives the difference between boring and mediocre

is that boring is causing boredom while mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality).

As a noun boring

is a pit or hole which has been d.

As a verb boring

is .

Passable vs Mediocre - What's the difference?

passable | mediocre |

As adjectives the difference between passable and mediocre

is that passable is that may be passed]] or [[traverse|traversed while mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality).

Mediocre vs Underwhelming - What's the difference?

mediocre | underwhelming |

As adjectives the difference between mediocre and underwhelming

is that mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) while underwhelming is failing to interest; usually used in response to something that was presented as exciting.

Mediocre vs Lackluster - What's the difference?

mediocre | lackluster |

As adjectives the difference between mediocre and lackluster

is that mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) while lackluster is lacking brilliance or intelligence.

Mediocre vs Unfounded - What's the difference?

mediocre | unfounded |

As adjectives the difference between mediocre and unfounded

is that mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) while unfounded is having no strong foundation; not based on solid reasons or facts.

Mediocre vs X - What's the difference?

mediocre | x |

As an adjective mediocre

is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality).

As a letter x is

the twenty-fourth letter of the.

As a symbol x is

voiceless velar fricative.

Trite vs Mediocre - What's the difference?

trite | mediocre |

As adjectives the difference between trite and mediocre

is that trite is worn out; hackneyed; used so many times that it is no longer interesting or effective (often in reference to a word or phrase) while mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality).

As a noun trite

is a denomination of coinage in ancient greece equivalent to one third of a stater.

Insufficient vs Mediocre - What's the difference?

insufficient | mediocre |

As adjectives the difference between insufficient and mediocre

is that insufficient is not sufficient while mediocre is mediocre (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality).
