What's the difference between
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Wuff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

wuff | ruff |

As nouns the difference between wuff and ruff

is that wuff is woof, the imitation of a dog's bark while ruff is reputation.

Luff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

luff | ruff |

As nouns the difference between luff and ruff

is that luff is (nautical) the vertical edge of a sail that is closest to the direction of the wind while ruff is reputation.

As a verb luff

is (nautical|of a sail|intransitive) to shake due to being trimmed improperly.

Buff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

buff | ruff |

In lang=en terms the difference between buff and ruff

is that buff is attractive while ruff is to play a trump card to a trick, other than when trumps were led.

In obsolete terms the difference between buff and ruff

is that buff is a buffet; a blow while ruff is wanton or tumultuous procedure or conduct.

As nouns the difference between buff and ruff

is that buff is undyed leather from the skin of buffalo or similar animals while ruff is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax.

As adjectives the difference between buff and ruff

is that buff is of the color of buff leather, a brownish yellow while ruff is an alternative spelling of lang=en.

As verbs the difference between buff and ruff

is that buff is to polish and make shiny by rubbing while ruff is to ruffle; to disorder.

As an acronym BUFF

is big Ugly Fat Fellow (or Fucker); US Airforce nickname for the B-52 bomber.

As an interjection ruff is

the bark of a dog; woof.

Ruff vs Quellio - What's the difference?

ruff | quellio |

As nouns the difference between ruff and quellio

is that ruff is reputation while quellio is (obsolete) a ruff for the neck.

Ruff vs Rufflike - What's the difference?

ruff | rufflike |

As adjectives the difference between ruff and rufflike

is that ruff is an alternative spelling of lang=en while rufflike is resembling a ruff or some aspect of one.

As a noun ruff

is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax.

As a verb ruff

is to ruffle; to disorder.

As an interjection ruff

is the bark of a dog; woof.

Ruff vs Crossruff - What's the difference?

ruff | crossruff |

As nouns the difference between ruff and crossruff

is that ruff is reputation while crossruff is (bridge) a play in which tricks are taken by taking alternate ruffs in each hand.

As a verb crossruff is

to execute a crossruff.
