What's the difference between
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Cuff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

cuff | ruff |

In obsolete terms the difference between cuff and ruff

is that cuff is glove; mitten while ruff is wanton or tumultuous procedure or conduct.

As an adjective ruff is

an alternative spelling of lang=en.

As an interjection ruff is

the bark of a dog; woof.

Ruff vs Raff - What's the difference?

ruff | raff |

As nouns the difference between ruff and raff

is that ruff is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax while raff is a promiscuous heap; a jumble; a large quantity; lumber; refuse.

As verbs the difference between ruff and raff

is that ruff is to ruffle; to disorder while raff is to sweep, snatch, draw, or huddle together; to take by a promiscuous sweep.

As an adjective ruff

is an alternative spelling of lang=en.

As an interjection ruff

is the bark of a dog; woof.

Fuff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

fuff | ruff |

As a verb fuff

is (dialect|intransitive) to puff.

As a noun ruff is


Huff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

huff | ruff |

In obsolete terms the difference between huff and ruff

is that huff is a boaster; one swelled with a false sense of value or importance while ruff is wanton or tumultuous procedure or conduct.

As nouns the difference between huff and ruff

is that huff is a heavy breath; a grunt or sigh while ruff is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax.

As verbs the difference between huff and ruff

is that huff is to breathe heavily while ruff is to ruffle; to disorder.

As a proper noun Huff

is {{surname}.

As an adjective ruff is

an alternative spelling of lang=en.

As an interjection ruff is

the bark of a dog; woof.

Ruff vs Riff - What's the difference?

ruff | riff |

As nouns the difference between ruff and riff

is that ruff is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax while riff is a repeated instrumental melody line in a song.

As verbs the difference between ruff and riff

is that ruff is to ruffle; to disorder while riff is to improvise in the performance or practice of an art, especially by expanding on or making novel use of traditional themes.

As an adjective ruff

is an alternative spelling of lang=en.

As an interjection ruff

is the bark of a dog; woof.

Guff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

guff | ruff |

As nouns the difference between guff and ruff

is that guff is (informal) nonsensical talk or thinking while ruff is reputation.

As a verb guff

is (slang) to break wind.

Ruff vs Gruff - What's the difference?

ruff | gruff |

As verbs the difference between ruff and gruff

is that ruff is to ruffle; to disorder while gruff is to speak gruffly.

As adjectives the difference between ruff and gruff

is that ruff is an alternative spelling of lang=en while gruff is having a rough, surly, and harsh demeanor and nature.

As a noun ruff

is a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax.

As an interjection ruff

is the bark of a dog; woof.

Ruft vs Ruff - What's the difference?

ruft | ruff |

As nouns the difference between ruft and ruff

is that ruft is (obsolete) belching while ruff is reputation.

Ruff vs Tuff - What's the difference?

ruff | tuff |

As nouns the difference between ruff and tuff

is that ruff is reputation while tuff is (rock) a light porous rock, now especially a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash varying in size from fine sand to coarse gravel.

As an adjective tuff is

older and simplified spelling of tough.

Duff vs Ruff - What's the difference?

duff | ruff |

As a proper noun duff

is .

As a noun ruff is

