What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Drip vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

drip | drizzle |

As verbs the difference between drip and drizzle

is that drip is to fall one drop at a time while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As nouns the difference between drip and drizzle

is that drip is a drop of a liquid while drizzle is light rain.

As an acronym drip

is (finance) dividend reinvestment program; a type of financial investing.

Drizzle vs Brizzle - What's the difference?

drizzle | brizzle |

As a verb drizzle

is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As a noun drizzle

is light rain.

As a proper noun brizzle is


Drizzle vs Dribbles - What's the difference?

drizzle | dribbles |

As verbs the difference between drizzle and dribbles

is that drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles while dribbles is .

As a noun drizzle

is light rain.

Drizzling vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

drizzling | drizzle |

As verbs the difference between drizzling and drizzle

is that drizzling is while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As a noun drizzle is

light rain.

Fine vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

fine | drizzle |

As verbs the difference between fine and drizzle

is that fine is while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As a noun drizzle is

light rain.

Dappled vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

dappled | drizzle |

As verbs the difference between dappled and drizzle

is that dappled is (dapple) while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As an adjective dappled

is having a mottled or spotted skin or coat, dapple.

As a noun drizzle is

light rain.

Drizzle vs Slobber - What's the difference?

drizzle | slobber |

As verbs the difference between drizzle and slobber

is that drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles while slobber is to allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth; to drool.

As nouns the difference between drizzle and slobber

is that drizzle is light rain while slobber is liquid material, generally saliva, that dribbles or drools outward and downward from the mouth.

Dash vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

dash | drizzle |

As nouns the difference between dash and drizzle

is that dash is any of the following symbols: ‒ (figure dash), – (en dash), — (em dash), or ― (horizontal bar) while drizzle is light rain.

As verbs the difference between dash and drizzle

is that dash is to run quickly or for a short distance while drizzle is to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As an interjection dash

is damn.

Drizzle vs Drizzle - What's the difference?

drizzle | drizzle |

In ambitransitive|lang=en terms the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

In cooking|lang=en terms the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is (cooking) to pour slowly and evenly, especially with oil in cooking while drizzle is (cooking) to pour slowly and evenly, especially with oil in cooking.

In slang|lang=en terms the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is (slang) water while drizzle is (slang) water.

In physics|weather|lang=en terms the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is (physics|weather) very small, numerous, and uniformly dispersed water drops, mist, or sprinkle unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground it is sometimes accompanied by low visibility and fog while drizzle is (physics|weather) very small, numerous, and uniformly dispersed water drops, mist, or sprinkle unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground it is sometimes accompanied by low visibility and fog.

In rfdef|lang=en terms the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is while drizzle is .

As verbs the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles while drizzle is (ambitransitive) to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles.

As nouns the difference between drizzle and drizzle

is that drizzle is light rain while drizzle is light rain.
