spellings |
spelling |
As nouns the difference between spellings and spelling
is that
spellings is while
spelling is (uncountable) the act, practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography.
As a verb spelling is
swellings |
spellings |
As nouns the difference between swellings and spellings
is that
swellings is while
spellings is .
spillings |
spellings |
As nouns the difference between spillings and spellings
is that
spillings is while
spellings is .
spellings |
shellings |
As nouns the difference between spellings and shellings
is that
spellings is plural of lang=enCategory:English plurals while
shellings is plural of lang=en.
spellings |
speldings |
As nouns the difference between spellings and speldings
is that
spellings is plural of lang=enCategory:English plurals while
speldings is plural of spelding.
sellings |
spellings |
As nouns the difference between sellings and spellings
is that
sellings is while
spellings is .
smellings |
spellings |
As nouns the difference between smellings and spellings
is that
smellings is plural of smelling while
spellings is plural of lang=enCategory:English plurals.
spellings |
sperlings |
As nouns the difference between spellings and sperlings
is that
spellings is while
sperlings is .