voila |
pronto |
As an interjection voila
is "lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
As an adjective pronto is
ready, prepared.
walla |
voila |
As a noun walla
is .
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
voila |
eureka |
Eureka is a synonym of voila.
As interjections the difference between voila and eureka
is that
voila is {{borrowed}} Lo, there it is; ta-da; presto; behold; bam while
eureka is an exclamation indicating sudden discovery.
As a proper noun Eureka is
a city in northern California.
ineffective |
voila |
As an adjective ineffective
is not having the desired effect; ineffectual.
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
voila |
wikidiffcom |
voila |
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
voile |
voila |
As an adjective voile
is veiled (wearing a veil).
As a verb voile
is .
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
vobla |
voila |
As a noun vobla
is the caspian roach (
rutilus caspicus ), formerly considered a subspecies of the common roach).
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.
vila |
voila |
As a noun vila
is a type of fairy or nymph in Slavic mythology.
As an interjection voilà is
{{borrowed}} Lo, there it is; ta-da; presto; behold; bam.
viola |
voila |
As a verb viola
is .
As an interjection voila is
"lo! there it is", ta-da, presto.