Isomorphic vs Homological - What's the difference?
isomorphic | homological |In mathematics terms the difference between isomorphic and homological
is that isomorphic is related by an isomorphism; having a structure-preserving one-to-one correspondence while homological is having to do with homology.In biology terms the difference between isomorphic and homological
is that isomorphic is having a similar structure or function to something that is not related genetically or through evolution while homological is having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous.Horological vs Homological - What's the difference?
horological | homological |As adjectives the difference between horological and homological
is that horological is of or relating to horology while homological is having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous.Homological vs Nomological - What's the difference?
homological | nomological |As adjectives the difference between homological and nomological
is that homological is having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous while nomological is pertaining to or expressing general laws that lack logical necessity.Homological vs Pomological - What's the difference?
homological | pomological |As adjectives the difference between homological and pomological
is that homological is (biology) having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous while pomological is pertaining to pomology.Taxonomy vs Homological - What's the difference?
taxonomy | homological |