What's the difference between
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Blighter vs Lighter - What's the difference?

blighter | lighter |

As nouns the difference between blighter and lighter

is that blighter is one who blights while lighter is one who, or that which, lights or lighter can be a flat-bottomed boat for carrying heavy loads across short distances (especially for canals or for loading or unloading larger boats).

As an adjective lighter is

(light) or lighter can be (light).

As a verb lighter is

to transfer cargo or fuel from a ship, lightening it to make its draft less or to make it easier to refloat.

Blighter vs Brighter - What's the difference?

blighter | brighter |

As a noun blighter

is one who blights.

As an adjective brighter is

comparative of bright.

Blighter vs Flighter - What's the difference?

blighter | flighter |

As nouns the difference between blighter and flighter

is that blighter is one who blights while flighter is (brewing) a horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a cooler, so as to produce a circular current in the liquor.

Blighter vs Plighter - What's the difference?

blighter | plighter |

As nouns the difference between blighter and plighter

is that blighter is one who blights while plighter is one who or that which plights, engages, or pledges.

Blighter vs Slighter - What's the difference?

blighter | slighter |

As nouns the difference between blighter and slighter

is that blighter is one who blights while slighter is one who slights.

As an adjective slighter is

comparative of slight.

Blighter vs Blighted - What's the difference?

blighter | blighted |

As a noun blighter

is one who blights.

As a verb blighted is


As an adjective blighted is

having suffered a blight.

Taxonomy vs Blighter - What's the difference?

taxonomy | blighter |

As nouns the difference between taxonomy and blighter

is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while blighter is one who blights.

Blighter vs Smegger - What's the difference?

blighter | smegger | Synonyms |

Blighter is a synonym of smegger.

As nouns the difference between blighter and smegger

is that blighter is one who blights while smegger is (slang|derogatory) a hateful person or thing.
