title |
tt |
As nouns the difference between title and tt
is that
title is a prefix (honorific) or suffix (post-nominal) added to a person's name to signify either veneration, official position or a professional or academic qualification see also while
tt is (
en) of thirty-two, a book size range corresponding to one thirty-secondth of the size of an uncut sheet of paper, 10-125 cm in height.
As a verb title
is to assign a title to; to entitle.
ttc |
tt |
As an initialism ttc
is toronto transit commission.
As a noun tt is
en) of thirty-two, a book size range corresponding to one thirty-secondth of the size of an uncut sheet of paper, 10-125 cm in height.
tt |
subway |
As nouns the difference between tt and subway
is that
tt is (
en) of thirty-two, a book size range corresponding to one thirty-secondth of the size of an uncut sheet of paper, 10-125 cm in height while
subway is (north america|scotland) an underground railway, especially for mass transit of people in urban areas.
As a verb subway is
(intransitive|us|informal) to travel by underground railway.
tt |
cv |
In lang=en terms the difference between tt and cv
is that
tt is tritone while
cv is character voice.
As initialisms the difference between tt and cv
is that
tt is tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain while
CV is cruiser Voler - aircraft carrier - diesel-powered warship launching and landing heavier than air flying vehicles.
As a noun TT
is time trial.
As an abbreviation tt
is teetotal.
tt |
io |
As nouns the difference between tt and io
is that
tt is time trial while
io is a type of moth, the io moth.
As an initialism TT
is tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain.
As an abbreviation tt
is teetotal.
As an interjection io is
an exclamation of joy or triumph.
As a proper noun Io is
the daughter of Inachus river god, and a lover of Zeus.
tt |
swift |
As initialisms the difference between tt and swift
is that
tt is tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain while
SWIFT is society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
As nouns the difference between tt and swift
is that
tt is time trial while
swift is the current of a stream.
As an abbreviation tt
is teetotal.
As an adjective swift is
fast; quick; rapid.
As an adverb swift is
As a proper noun Swift is
{{surname|from=nicknames}}, originally a nickname for a swift or quick person.
test |
tt |
As nouns the difference between test and tt
is that
test is a cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement while
TT is time trial.
As a verb test
is to refine (gold, silver, etc.) in a test or cupel; to subject to cupellation.
As an initialism TT is
tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain.
As an abbreviation tt is
tt |
oo |
As nouns the difference between tt and oo
is that
tt is time trial while
oo is the Greek letter omega.
As an initialism TT
is tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain.
As an abbreviation tt
is teetotal.
tt |
good |
As nouns the difference between tt and good
is that
tt is time trial while
good is the forces or behaviors that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence.
As an initialism TT
is tuberculin tested (a quality of milk in post-war Britain.
As an abbreviation tt
is teetotal.
As an adjective good is
Of people.As an interjection good is
that is good: an elliptical exclamation of satisfaction or commendation.
As an adverb good is
well; satisfactorily or thoroughly.
As a verb good is
to thrive; fatten; prosper; improve.
As a proper noun Good is