drivel |
germany |
As a noun drivel
is senseless talk; nonsense.
As a verb drivel
is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
As a proper noun germany is
(geography) the central european state formed by west germany's 1990 absorption of east germany, with its capital in berlin.
snivel |
drivel |
As verbs the difference between snivel and drivel
is that
snivel is to breathe heavily through the nose; to sniffle while
drivel is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
As nouns the difference between snivel and drivel
is that
snivel is the act of snivelling while
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense.
drivel |
undefined |
As a noun drivel
is senseless talk; nonsense.
As a verb drivel
is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
gobbledygook |
drivel |
As nouns the difference between gobbledygook and drivel
is that
gobbledygook is (informal) nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language while
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense.
As a verb drivel is
to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
slaver |
drivel |
As verbs the difference between slaver and drivel
is that
slaver is to drool saliva from the mouth; to slobber while
drivel is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
As nouns the difference between slaver and drivel
is that
slaver is saliva running from the mouth; drool or
slaver can be a person engaged in the slave trade while
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense.
drivel |
ramble |
As nouns the difference between drivel and ramble
is that
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense while
ramble is a leisurely stroll; a recreational walk in the countryside.
As verbs the difference between drivel and ramble
is that
drivel is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool while
ramble is to move about aimlessly, or on a winding course.
talk |
drivel |
As nouns the difference between talk and drivel
is that
talk is a conversation or discussion while
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense.
As verbs the difference between talk and drivel
is that
talk is to communicate, usually by means of speech while
drivel is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool.
drivel |
drivel |
rave |
In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between drivel and rave
is that
drivel is (obsolete) a servant; a drudge while
rave is (obsolete) to rush wildly or furiously.
As nouns the difference between drivel and rave
is that
drivel is senseless talk; nonsense while
rave is an enthusiastic review (such as of a play) or
rave can be one of the upper side pieces of the frame of a wagon body or a sleigh.
As verbs the difference between drivel and rave
is that
drivel is to have saliva drip from the mouth; to drool while
rave is to wander in mind or intellect; to be delirious; to talk or act irrationally; to be wild, furious, or raging.