terms |
signatures |
As nouns the difference between terms and signatures
is that
terms is while
signatures is .
signatures |
characteristics |
As nouns the difference between signatures and characteristics
is that
signatures is while
characteristics is .
queen |
signatures |
As a proper noun queen
is a title given to queens.
As a noun signatures is
signature |
signatures |
As nouns the difference between signature and signatures
is that
signature is a ’s name, written by that person, used to signify approval of accompanying material, such as a legal contract while
signatures is .
As an adjective signature
is distinctive, characteristic indicative of identity.
signatory |
signatures |
As nouns the difference between signatory and signatures
is that
signatory is one who signs or has signed something while
signatures is plural of lang=en.
As an adjective signatory
is relating to a seal; used in sealing.