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Absence vs Bereft - What's the difference?

absence | bereft |

As a noun absence

is a state of being away or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; the period of being away .

As a verb bereft is


As an adjective bereft is

(of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

Privation vs Bereft - What's the difference?

privation | bereft |

As a noun privation

is (philosophy) the state of being deprived of or lacking an attribute formerly or properly possessed; the loss or absence of such an attribute.

As a verb bereft is


As an adjective bereft is

(of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

Bereft vs Undefined - What's the difference?

bereft | undefined |

As adjectives the difference between bereft and undefined

is that bereft is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone while undefined is lacking a definition or value.

As a verb bereft

is (bereave).

Destitute vs Bereft - What's the difference?

destitute | bereft |

As adjectives the difference between destitute and bereft

is that destitute is lacking something; devoid; especially lacking money; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken while bereft is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

As a verb bereft is


Bereft vs Consoling - What's the difference?

bereft | consoling |

As verbs the difference between bereft and consoling

is that bereft is (bereave) while consoling is .

As an adjective bereft

is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

As a noun consoling is

the act of consoling.

Bereft vs Mourn - What's the difference?

bereft | mourn |

As verbs the difference between bereft and mourn

is that bereft is (bereave) while mourn is to express sadness or sorrow for; to grieve over (especially a death).

As an adjective bereft

is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

As a noun mourn is

sorrow, grief.

Bereft vs Private - What's the difference?

bereft | private |

As adjectives the difference between bereft and private

is that bereft is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone while private is belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group.

As a verb bereft

is (bereave).

As a noun private is

the lowest rank of the army.

Bereft vs Dour - What's the difference?

bereft | dour |

As adjectives the difference between bereft and dour

is that bereft is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone while dour is stern, harsh and forbidding.

As a verb bereft

is past tense of bereave.

Bereft vs Inundate - What's the difference?

bereft | inundate |

As verbs the difference between bereft and inundate

is that bereft is (bereave) while inundate is to cover with large amounts of water; to flood.

As an adjective bereft

is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone.

Bereft vs Denied - What's the difference?

bereft | denied |

As verbs the difference between bereft and denied

is that bereft is (bereave) while denied is (deny).

As an adjective bereft

is (of a person) pained by the loss of someone.
