What's the difference between
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Evince vs Betoken - What's the difference?

evince | betoken | Related terms |

Evince is a related term of betoken.

As verbs the difference between evince and betoken

is that evince is while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

Manifest vs Betoken - What's the difference?

manifest | betoken | Related terms |

As verbs the difference between manifest and betoken

is that manifest is to show plainly; to make to appear distinctly, usually to the mind; to put beyond question or doubt; to display; to exhibit while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

As an adjective manifest

is evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceived.

As a noun manifest

is a public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto or manifestation.

Utter vs Betoken - What's the difference?

utter | betoken | Related terms |

Utter is a related term of betoken.

As verbs the difference between utter and betoken

is that utter is to say while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

As an adjective utter

is .

As an adverb utter

is (label) further out; further away, outside.

Intimate vs Betoken - What's the difference?

intimate | betoken | Related terms |

Intimate is a related term of betoken.

As verbs the difference between intimate and betoken

is that intimate is to suggest or disclose discreetly while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

As an adjective intimate

is closely acquainted; familiar.

As a noun intimate

is a very close friend.

Betoken vs Interest - What's the difference?

betoken | interest | Related terms |

Betoken is a related term of interest.

As verbs the difference between betoken and interest

is that betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens while interest is to engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing.

As a noun interest is


Heed vs Betoken - What's the difference?

heed | betoken | Related terms |

Heed is a related term of betoken.

As a noun heed

is heathen, pagan or heed can be heath.

As a verb betoken is

signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

Import vs Betoken - What's the difference?

import | betoken | Related terms |

As verbs the difference between import and betoken

is that import is to bring (something) in from a foreign country, especially for sale or trade while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

As a noun import

is something brought in from an exterior source, especially for sale or trade.

Represent vs Betoken - What's the difference?

represent | betoken |

As verbs the difference between represent and betoken

is that represent is to present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify while betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens.

Betoken vs Embody - What's the difference?

betoken | embody |

As verbs the difference between betoken and embody

is that betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens while embody is to represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify.

Betoken vs Involve - What's the difference?

betoken | involve | Related terms |

As verbs the difference between betoken and involve

is that betoken is signify by some visible object; show by signs or tokens while involve is to roll or fold up; to wind round; to entwine.
