terms |
vacay |
As nouns the difference between terms and vacay
is that
terms is while
vacay is (informal|us) vacation.
vacay |
undefined |
As a noun vacay
is (informal|us) vacation.
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
vacay |
vacancy |
As nouns the difference between vacay and vacancy
is that
vacay is vacation while
vacancy is an unoccupied position or job.
vacay |
vacay |
vacation |
As nouns the difference between vacay and vacation
is that
vacay is vacation while
vacation is freedom from some business or activity.
As a verb vacation is
to spend or take a vacation.
vacay |
pacay |
As nouns the difference between vacay and pacay
is that
vacay is (informal|us) vacation while
pacay is (botany) a peruvian leguminous tree, cultivated for its large white edible pods.
vaycay |
vacay |
As nouns the difference between vacay and vaycay
is that
vacay is vacation while
vaycay is abbreviation of lang=en.
vacay |
vaca |
As nouns the difference between vacay and vaca
is that
vacay is vacation while
vaca is vacation.