eulogy |
extol |
As a noun eulogy
is an oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral.
As a verb extol is
to praise; to make high.
extol |
epithet |
As a verb extol
is to praise; to make high.
As a noun epithet is
a term used to characterize a person or thing.
extol |
lament |
As verbs the difference between extol and lament
is that
extol is to praise; to make high while
lament is to express grief; to weep or wail; to mourn.
As a noun lament is
an expression of grief, suffering, or sadness.
lambast |
extol |
As verbs the difference between lambast and extol
is that
lambast is (
label) while
extol is to praise; to make high.
extol |
undefined |
As a verb extol
is to praise; to make high.
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
thanks |
extol |
As verbs the difference between thanks and extol
is that
thanks is (
thank) while
extol is to praise; to make high.
As an interjection thanks
is used to express appreciation or gratitude.
As a noun thanks
is (obsolete).
extol |
approve |
Related terms |
Extol is a related term of approve.
As verbs the difference between extol and approve
is that
extol is to praise; to make high while
approve is to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm or
approve can be (english law) to make profit of; to convert to one's own profit;—said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.
extol |
compliment |
Related terms |
Extol is a related term of compliment.
As verbs the difference between extol and compliment
is that
extol is to praise; to make high while
compliment is (ambitransitive) to pay a compliment (to); to express a favorable opinion (of).
As a noun compliment is
an expression of praise, congratulation, encouragement, or respect.
disparage |
extol |
As verbs the difference between disparage and extol
is that
disparage is to match unequally; to degrade or dishonor while
extol is to praise; to make high.
As a noun disparage
is (obsolete) inequality in marriage; marriage with an inferior.
extol |
prise |
As verbs the difference between extol and prise
is that
extol is to praise; to make high while
prise is .
As an adjective prise is