terms |
resemblances |
As nouns the difference between terms and resemblances
is that
terms is while
resemblances is .
similarity |
resemblances |
As nouns the difference between similarity and resemblances
is that
similarity is closeness of appearance to something else while
resemblances is .
similarities |
resemblances |
As nouns the difference between similarities and resemblances
is that
similarities is while
resemblances is .
resemblances |
likeness |
As nouns the difference between resemblances and likeness
is that
resemblances is while
likeness is the state or quality of being like or alike; similitude; resemblance; similarity.
As a verb likeness is
(archaic|transitive) to depict.
resemblance |
resemblances |
As nouns the difference between resemblance and resemblances
is that
resemblance is the quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity while
resemblances is .
resemblances |
causeandeffect |
resemblances |
resemblaunces |
As nouns the difference between resemblances and resemblaunces
is that
resemblances is while
resemblaunces is .