terms |
plurennial |
As nouns the difference between terms and plurennial
is that
terms is while
plurennial is a plant that lives for several years.
As an adjective plurennial is
lasting for several years.
plurennial |
perennial |
As adjectives the difference between plurennial and perennial
is that
plurennial is lasting for several years while
perennial is lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time.
As nouns the difference between plurennial and perennial
is that
plurennial is a plant that lives for several years while
perennial is a perennial plant; a plant that is active throughout the year or survives for more than two growing seasons compare (
annual), (
plurennial |
pluriennial |
As adjectives the difference between plurennial and pluriennial
is that
plurennial is lasting for several years while
pluriennial is lasting a few years.
As a noun plurennial
is a plant that lives for several years.