terms |
knaves |
As nouns the difference between terms and knaves
is that
terms is while
knaves is .
knights |
knaves |
As nouns the difference between knights and knaves
is that
knights is while
knaves is .
knaves |
picaroons |
As nouns the difference between knaves and picaroons
is that
knaves is while
picaroons is .
As a verb picaroons is
knaves |
navvies |
knaves |
As nouns the difference between navvies and knaves
is that
navvies is while
knaves is .
knaves |
naves |
As nouns the difference between knaves and naves
is that
knaves is while
naves is village green.
knives |
knaves |
As nouns the difference between knives and knaves
is that
knives is while
knaves is .
knaves |
knyves |
As nouns the difference between knaves and knyves
is that
knaves is plural of knave while
knyves is plural of knyfe.