if |
either |
As an initialism if
is interactive fiction.
As a determiner either is
each of two.
As a pronoun either is
(obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either is
as well.
As a conjunction either is
introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
whatever |
either |
As determiners the difference between whatever and either
is that
whatever is no matter which; for any while
either is each of two.
As pronouns the difference between whatever and either
is that
whatever is anything; used to indicate that the speaker does not care about options while
either is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adjective whatever
is (
lb) unexceptional or unimportant; blah.
As an interjection whatever
is (colloquial|dismissive) a holophrastic expression used discourteously to indicate that the speaker does not consider the matter worthy of further discussion.
As an adverb either is
as well.
As a conjunction either is
introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
either |
false |
As a determiner either
is each of two.
As a pronoun either
is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either
is as well.
As a conjunction either
is introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
As an adjective false is
label) one of two states of a boolean variable; logic.
otherwise |
either |
As adverbs the difference between otherwise and either
is that
otherwise is (
lb) differently, in another way while
either is as well.
As an adjective otherwise
is other than supposed; different.
As a determiner either is
each of two.
As a pronoun either is
(obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As a conjunction either is
introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
either |
undefined |
As a determiner either
is each of two.
As a pronoun either
is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either
is as well.
As a conjunction either
is introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
droop |
either |
As a verb droop
is (
lb) to sink or hang downward; to sag.
As a noun droop
is something which is limp or sagging;.
As a determiner either is
each of two.
As a pronoun either is
(obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either is
as well.
As a conjunction either is
introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
either |
als |
As a determiner either
is each of two.
As a pronoun either
is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either
is as well.
As a conjunction either
is introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
As a noun als is
creek, drainage channel.
some |
either |
As pronouns the difference between some and either
is that
some is a certain number, at least one while
either is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As determiners the difference between some and either
is that
some is a certain proportion of, at least one while
either is each of two.
As adverbs the difference between some and either
is that
some is of a measurement; approximately, roughly while
either is as well.
As a conjunction either is
introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
either |
except |
As conjunctions the difference between either and except
is that
either is introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or" while
except is with the exception (that); used to introduce a clause, phrase or adverb forming an exception or qualification to something previously stated.
As a determiner either
is each of two.
As a pronoun either
is both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either
is as well.
As a verb except is
to exclude; to specify as being an exception.
As a preposition except is
with the exception of; but.
either |
every |
As a determiner either
is each of two.
As a pronoun either
is (obsolete) both, each of two or more.
As an adverb either
is as well.
As a conjunction either
is introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or".
As a proper noun every is