What's the difference between
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Peruse vs Perule - What's the difference?

peruse | perule |

As nouns the difference between peruse and perule

is that peruse is an examination or perusal; an instance of perusing while perule is .

As a verb peruse

is to examine or consider with care.

Terms vs Perule - What's the difference?

terms | perule |

As nouns the difference between terms and perule

is that terms is while perule is .

Perula vs Perule - What's the difference?

perula | perule |

As nouns the difference between perula and perule

is that perula is one of the scales of a leaf bud while perule is alternative form of perula.

Perulae vs Perule - What's the difference?

perulae | perule |

As nouns the difference between perulae and perule

is that perulae is while perule is .

Ferule vs Perule - What's the difference?

ferule | perule |

As nouns the difference between ferule and perule

is that ferule is fennel (plant) while perule is .

Cerule vs Perule - What's the difference?

cerule | perule |

As an adjective cerule

is (poetic) cerulean.

As a noun perule is


Peruke vs Perule - What's the difference?

peruke | perule |

As nouns the difference between peruke and perule

is that peruke is a wig, especially one with long hair on the sides and back, worn mainly by men in the 17th and 18th centuries while perule is .