What's the difference between
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Expected vs Prospected - What's the difference?

expected | prospected |

As verbs the difference between expected and prospected

is that expected is (expect) while prospected is (prospect).

As an adjective expected

is anticipated; thought to be about to arrive or occur.

Outlined vs Prospected - What's the difference?

outlined | prospected |

As verbs the difference between outlined and prospected

is that outlined is (outline) while prospected is (prospect).

Anticipated vs Prospected - What's the difference?

anticipated | prospected |

As verbs the difference between anticipated and prospected

is that anticipated is past tense of anticipate while prospected is past tense of prospect.

As an adjective anticipated

is expected to arrive; scheduled.

Prospected vs Prospective - What's the difference?

prospected | prospective |

As a verb prospected

is (prospect).

As an adjective prospective is

likely or expected to happen or become.

As a noun prospective is

(obsolete) the scene before or around, in time or in space; view; prospect.

Terms vs Prospected - What's the difference?

terms | prospected |

As a noun terms

is .

As a verb prospected is


Porspect vs Prospected - What's the difference?

porspect | prospected |

Porspect is often a misspelling of prospected.

Porspect has no English definition.

As a verb prospected is

past tense of prospect.