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Bend vs Pliable - What's the difference?

bend | pliable |

As a verb bend

is to cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means .

As a noun bend

is a curve.

As an adjective pliable is

soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.

Pliable vs Susceptible - What's the difference?

pliable | susceptible |

As adjectives the difference between pliable and susceptible

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while susceptible is likely to be affected by something.

As a noun susceptible is

(epidemiology) a person who is vulnerable to being infected by a certain disease.

Foldable vs Pliable - What's the difference?

foldable | pliable |

As adjectives the difference between foldable and pliable

is that foldable is that can be folded while pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.

Stiff vs Pliable - What's the difference?

stiff | pliable |

As adjectives the difference between stiff and pliable

is that stiff is of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible while pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.

As a noun stiff

is an average person, usually male, of no particular distinction, skill, or education, often a working stiff''''' or ''lucky '''stiff .

As a verb stiff

is to fail to pay that which one owes (implicitly or explicitly) to another, especially by departing hastily.

Pliable vs Springy - What's the difference?

pliable | springy |

As adjectives the difference between pliable and springy

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while springy is that returns rapidly to its original form (as a spring does) after being bent, compressed, stretched, etc.

Pliable vs Undefined - What's the difference?

pliable | undefined |

As adjectives the difference between pliable and undefined

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while undefined is lacking a definition or value.

Lithely vs Pliable - What's the difference?

lithely | pliable |

As an adverb lithely

is in a lithe manner.

As an adjective pliable is

soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.

Pliable vs Yielding - What's the difference?

pliable | yielding |

As adjectives the difference between pliable and yielding

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while yielding is docile, or inclined to give way to pressure.

As a verb yielding is

present participle of lang=en.

As a noun yielding is

a concession.

Pliable vs Leathery - What's the difference?

pliable | leathery |

As adjectives the difference between pliable and leathery

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while leathery is having the consistency, feel, or texture of leather.

Pliable vs Inconstant - What's the difference?

pliable | inconstant | Related terms |

Pliable is a related term of inconstant.

As adjectives the difference between pliable and inconstant

is that pliable is soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded while inconstant is not constant; wavering.
