What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Devote vs Pour - What's the difference?

devote | pour |

As an adjective devote

is .

As a noun pour is


Devote vs Dote - What's the difference?

devote | dote |

As an adjective devote

is .

As a verb dote is


Devote vs Work - What's the difference?

devote | work |

As an adjective devote

is .

As a noun work is

employment .

As a verb work is

to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers.

Eager vs Devote - What's the difference?

eager | devote |

As adjectives the difference between eager and devote

is that eager is (obsolete) sharp; sour; acid while devote is .

As a noun eager

is (tidal bore).

Devote vs Pay - What's the difference?

devote | pay |

As adjectives the difference between devote and pay

is that devote is while pay is operable or accessible on deposit of coins.

As a verb pay is

to give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services or pay can be (nautical|transitive) to cover (the bottom of a vessel, a seam, a spar, etc) with tar or pitch, or a waterproof composition of tallow, resin, etc; to smear.

As a noun pay is

money given in return for work; salary or wages.

Love vs Devote - What's the difference?

love | devote |

As a noun love

is money.

As an adjective devote is


Devote vs Undefined - What's the difference?

devote | undefined |

As adjectives the difference between devote and undefined

is that devote is while undefined is lacking a definition or value.

Obey vs Devote - What's the difference?

obey | devote |

As a verb obey

is to do as ordered by (a person, institution etc), to act according to the bidding of.

As an adjective devote is


Devote vs Separate - What's the difference?

devote | separate |

As adjectives the difference between devote and separate

is that devote is while separate is apart from (the rest); not connected to or attached to (anything else).

As a verb separate is

to divide (a thing) into separate parts.

As a noun separate is

(usually|in the plural) anything that is sold by itself, especially an article of clothing.

Devote vs Achieve - What's the difference?

devote | achieve |

As verbs the difference between devote and achieve

is that devote is to give one's time, focus one's efforts, commit oneself, etc. entirely for, on, or to a certain matter while achieve is to succeed in something, now especially in academic performance.

As an adjective devote

is devoted; addicted; devout.
