terms |
epuration |
As nouns the difference between terms and epuration
is that
terms is while
epuration is purification.
depuration |
epuration |
As nouns the difference between depuration and epuration
is that
depuration is the removal of impurities, especially from bodily fluids; purification, cleansing while
epuration is purification of a product (such as in the process of sugar extraction.
epuration |
epulation |
As nouns the difference between epuration and epulation
is that
epuration is purification while
epulation is (obsolete) a feast or banquet.
cleansing |
epuration |
As nouns the difference between cleansing and epuration
is that
cleansing is the process of removing dirt, toxins etc while
epuration is purification of a product (such as in the process of sugar extraction.
As an adjective cleansing
is that cleanses.
As a verb cleansing
is present participle of lang=en.
extraction |
epuration |
As nouns the difference between extraction and epuration
is that
extraction is an act of extracting or the condition of being extracted while
epuration is purification.
purification |
epuration |
As nouns the difference between purification and epuration
is that
purification is the act or process of purifying; the removal of impurities while
epuration is purification.