terms |
fabiform |
As a noun terms
is .
As an adjective fabiform is
shaped like a bean.
fabiform |
reniform |
As adjectives the difference between fabiform and reniform
is that
fabiform is shaped like a bean while
reniform is shaped like a kidney; having a circular or roughly circular shape with a notch
["reniform" dictionarycom unabridged (v 11) random house, inc 10 apr 2007 ][. ]
faviform |
fabiform |
As adjectives the difference between faviform and fabiform
is that
faviform is shaped like a honeycomb while
fabiform is shaped like a bean.
bean |
fabiform |
As a proper noun bean
is a botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist william jackson bean (1863-1947).
As an adjective fabiform is
shaped like a bean.