spork |
undefined |
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
As a verb spork
is to move or impale (food etc) with a spork.
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
spork |
splayed |
As verbs the difference between spork and splayed
is that
spork is to move or impale (food etc) with a spork while
splayed is (
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
spork |
runcible |
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
As a verb spork
is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork.
As an adjective runcible is
A nonsense word.
spork | fpoon |
Fpoon is likely misspelled.
Fpoon has no English definition.
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
As a verb spork
is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork.
spork | sporf |
Sporf is likely misspelled.
Sporf has no English definition.
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
As a verb spork
is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork.
spork | spoak |
As verbs the difference between spork and spoak
is that
spork is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork while
spoak is misspelling of lang=en.
As a noun spork
is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
spork | sponk |
As nouns the difference between spork and sponk
is that
spork is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife while
sponk is .
As a verb spork
is to move or impale (food etc) with a spork.
spork | spore |
As nouns the difference between spork and spore
is that
spork is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife while
spore is a reproductive particle, usually a single cell, released by a fungus, alga, or plant that may germinate into another.
As verbs the difference between spork and spore
is that
spork is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork while
spore is to produce spores.
spork | sport |
In transitive terms the difference between spork and sport
is that
spork is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork while
sport is to represent by any kind of play.
As an acronym SPORT is
strategic Partnership On REACH Testing.
spork | pork |
As nouns the difference between spork and pork
is that
spork is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife while
pork is the meat of a pig; swineflesh.
As verbs the difference between spork and pork
is that
spork is to move or impale (food etc.) with a spork while
pork is to have sex with (someone).