What's the difference between
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Questionary vs Undefined - What's the difference?

questionary | undefined |

As adjectives the difference between questionary and undefined

is that questionary is inquiring; asking questions; testing while undefined is lacking a definition or value.

As a noun questionary

is a questionnaire.

Questionary vs Interrogation - What's the difference?

questionary | interrogation |

As nouns the difference between questionary and interrogation

is that questionary is a questionnaire while interrogation is the act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry.

As an adjective questionary

is inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Questionary - What does it mean?

questionary | |

Survey vs Questionary - What's the difference?

survey | questionary |

As nouns the difference between survey and questionary

is that survey is the act of surveying; a general view, as from above while questionary is a questionnaire.

As a verb survey

is to inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook; as, to stand on a hill, and survey the surrounding country.

As an adjective questionary is

inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Quiz vs Questionary - What's the difference?

quiz | questionary |

As nouns the difference between quiz and questionary

is that quiz is quiz, trivia while questionary is a questionnaire.

As an adjective questionary is

inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Terms vs Questionary - What's the difference?

terms | questionary |

As nouns the difference between terms and questionary

is that terms is while questionary is a questionnaire.

As an adjective questionary is

inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Question vs Questionary - What's the difference?

question | questionary |

As nouns the difference between question and questionary

is that question is a sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative while questionary is a questionnaire.

As a verb question

is to ask questions of; interrogate; enquire; ask for information.

As an adjective questionary is

inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Relic vs Questionary - What's the difference?

relic | questionary |

As nouns the difference between relic and questionary

is that relic is that which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion while questionary is a questionnaire.

As an adjective questionary is

inquiring; asking questions; testing.

Questionnaire vs Questionary - What's the difference?

questionnaire | questionary |

Questionnaire is a synonym of questionary.

As nouns the difference between questionary and questionnaire

is that questionary is a questionnaire while questionnaire is a form containing a list of questions; a means of gathering information for a survey.

As an adjective questionary

is inquiring; asking questions; testing.

As a verb questionnaire is

to survey using questionnaires.