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Wikidiffcom vs Limpingly - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | limpingly |

As an adverb limpingly is

in a limping manner; with a limp.

Terms vs Limpingly - What's the difference?

terms | limpingly |

As a noun terms

is .

As an adverb limpingly is

in a limping manner; with a limp.

Lispingly vs Limpingly - What's the difference?

lispingly | limpingly |

As adverbs the difference between lispingly and limpingly

is that lispingly is in a lisping manner while limpingly is in a limping manner; with a limp.

Limpingly vs Lumpingly - What's the difference?

limpingly | lumpingly |

As adverbs the difference between limpingly and lumpingly

is that limpingly is in a limping manner; with a limp while lumpingly is so as to lump together.

Limp vs Limpingly - What's the difference?

limp | limpingly |

As a verb limp

is to happen; befall; chance or limp can be to be inadequate or unsatisfactory or limp can be to walk lamely, as if favouring one leg.

As an adjective limp

is flaccid; flabby, as flesh.

As a noun limp

is a scraper of board or sheet-iron shaped like half the head of a small cask, used for scraping the ore off the sieve in the operation of hand-jigging or limp can be an irregular, jerky or awkward gait.

As an adverb limpingly is

in a limping manner; with a limp.