terms |
serostatus |
As nouns the difference between terms and serostatus
is that
terms is while
serostatus is (medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum.
serostatus |
serosurvey |
In medicine|lang=en terms the difference between serostatus and serosurvey
is that
serostatus is (medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum while
serosurvey is (medicine) a survey of the serostatus of a sample of blood serum with respect to a range of substances.
As nouns the difference between serostatus and serosurvey
is that
serostatus is (medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum while
serosurvey is (medicine) a survey of the serostatus of a sample of blood serum with respect to a range of substances.
seronegative |
serostatus |
see also |
Seronegative is a see also of serostatus.
As an adjective seronegative
is .
As a noun serostatus is
(medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum.
seropositive |
serostatus |
see also |
Seropositive is a see also of serostatus.
As an adjective seropositive
is .
As a noun serostatus is
(medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum.
absence |
serostatus |
As nouns the difference between absence and serostatus
is that
absence is a state of being away or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; the period of being away while
serostatus is (medicine) the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum.
presence |
serostatus |
As nouns the difference between presence and serostatus
is that
presence is the fact or condition of being present, or of being within sight or call, or at hand while
serostatus is the presence or absence of specific substances in blood serum.
As a verb presence
is to make or become present.