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Foodservice vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

foodservice | foodservice |

As nouns the difference between foodservice and foodservice

is that foodservice is the business of providing food and related services while foodservice is the business of providing food and related services.

Wikidiffcom vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | foodservice |

As a noun foodservice is

the business of providing food and related services.

Terms vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

terms | foodservice |

As nouns the difference between terms and foodservice

is that terms is while foodservice is the business of providing food and related services.

Catering vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

catering | foodservice | Synonyms |

Foodservice is a synonym of catering.

As nouns the difference between catering and foodservice

is that catering is {{cx|uncountable|UK|lang=en}} The business of providing food and related services; foodservice while foodservice is the business of providing food and related services.

As a verb catering

is present participle of lang=en.

Food vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

food | foodservice |

As nouns the difference between food and foodservice

is that food is (uncountable) any substance that can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating, in order to sustain life while foodservice is the business of providing food and related services.

Business vs Foodservice - What's the difference?

business | foodservice |

As nouns the difference between business and foodservice

is that business is (countable) a specific commercial enterprise or establishment while foodservice is the business of providing food and related services.

As an adjective business

is of, to, pertaining to or utilized for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes.