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Avowal vs Disclaim - What's the difference?

avowal | disclaim |

As a noun avowal

is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

As a verb disclaim is

to renounce all claim to; to deny ownership of or responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject.

Avowal vs Confuse - What's the difference?

avowal | confuse |

As a noun avowal

is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

As a verb confuse is

to thoroughly mix; to confound; to disorder.

Avowal vs Denial - What's the difference?

avowal | denial |

As nouns the difference between avowal and denial

is that avowal is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge while denial is (logic) the negation in logic.

Concession vs Avowal - What's the difference?

concession | avowal | Related terms |

Concession is a related term of avowal.

As nouns the difference between concession and avowal

is that concession is the act of conceding, especially that of defeat while avowal is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

As a verb concession

is to grant or approve by means of a concession agreement.

Recognition vs Avowal - What's the difference?

recognition | avowal | Related terms |

Recognition is a related term of avowal.

As nouns the difference between recognition and avowal

is that recognition is the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized while avowal is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

Endorsement vs Avowal - What's the difference?

endorsement | avowal |

As nouns the difference between endorsement and avowal

is that endorsement is the act or quality of endorsing while avowal is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

Avowal - What does it mean?

avowal | |

Wikidiffcom vs Avowal - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | avowal |

As a noun avowal is

an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.

Divulgence vs Avowal - What's the difference?

divulgence | avowal | Related terms |

Divulgence is a related term of avowal.

As nouns the difference between divulgence and avowal

is that divulgence is the act of divulging while avowal is an open declaration of affirmation or admission of knowledge.
