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Endotoxemia vs Sepsis - What's the difference?

endotoxemia | sepsis |

As nouns the difference between endotoxemia and sepsis

is that endotoxemia is (medicine) the presence of endotoxins in the bloodstream while sepsis is (pathology) a serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed, and a known or suspected infection is present.

Endotoxemia - What does it mean?

endotoxemia | |

Endotoxaemia vs Endotoxemia - What's the difference?

endotoxaemia | endotoxemia |

As nouns the difference between endotoxaemia and endotoxemia

is that endotoxaemia is while endotoxemia is (medicine) the presence of endotoxins in the bloodstream.

Endotoxemia vs Endotoxemic - What's the difference?

endotoxemia | endotoxemic |

As a noun endotoxemia

is (medicine) the presence of endotoxins in the bloodstream.

As an adjective endotoxemic is

of, pertaining to or causing endotoxemia.

Bloodstream vs Endotoxemia - What's the difference?

bloodstream | endotoxemia |

As nouns the difference between bloodstream and endotoxemia

is that bloodstream is the flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal while endotoxemia is (medicine) the presence of endotoxins in the bloodstream.

Endotoxin vs Endotoxemia - What's the difference?

endotoxin | endotoxemia |

As nouns the difference between endotoxin and endotoxemia

is that endotoxin is any toxin secreted by a microorganism and released into the surrounding environment only when it dies while endotoxemia is (medicine) the presence of endotoxins in the bloodstream.