scutage |
scutate |
As a noun scutage
is a tax, paid in lieu of military service, that was a significant source of revenue in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
As an adjective scutate is
shaped like a shield or buckler.
scutae |
scutate |
As a noun scutae
is plural of scuta.
As an adjective scutate is
shaped like a shield or buckler.
scute |
scutate |
As a noun scute
is a horny, chitinous, or bony external plate or scale, as on the shell of a turtle or the skin of crocodiles.
As an adjective scutate is
shaped like a shield or buckler.
buckler |
scutate |
As a proper noun buckler
is .
As an adjective scutate is
shaped like a shield or buckler.
shield |
scutate |
As a noun shield
is anything that protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection.
As a verb shield
is to protect, to defend.
As an adjective scutate is
shaped like a shield or buckler.