What's the difference between
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Combustible vs Ignitible - What's the difference?

combustible | ignitible |

As adjectives the difference between combustible and ignitible

is that combustible is capable of burning while ignitible is capable of being ignited.

As a noun combustible

is a material that is capable of burning.

Combustible vs Caustic - What's the difference?

combustible | caustic |

As adjectives the difference between combustible and caustic

is that combustible is capable of burning while caustic is caustic.

As a noun combustible

is a material that is capable of burning.

Passionate vs Combustible - What's the difference?

passionate | combustible |

As adjectives the difference between passionate and combustible

is that passionate is given to strong feeling, sometimes romantic and/or sexual while combustible is capable of burning.

As nouns the difference between passionate and combustible

is that passionate is a passionate individual while combustible is a material that is capable of burning.

As a verb passionate

is (obsolete) to fill with passion, or with another given emotion.

Combustible vs Explosive - What's the difference?

combustible | explosive |

As adjectives the difference between combustible and explosive

is that combustible is capable of burning while explosive is with the capability to, or likely to, explode.

As nouns the difference between combustible and explosive

is that combustible is a material that is capable of burning while explosive is substance.

Combustible vs Douse - What's the difference?

combustible | douse |

As nouns the difference between combustible and douse

is that combustible is a material that is capable of burning while douse is a blow; stroke.

As an adjective combustible

is capable of burning.

As a verb douse is

(ambitransitive) to plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse or douse can be to strike.

Combustible vs Noncombustible - What's the difference?

combustible | noncombustible |

As adjectives the difference between combustible and noncombustible

is that combustible is capable of burning while noncombustible is that will not readily ignite and burn.

As a noun combustible

is a material that is capable of burning.

Volatile vs Combustible - What's the difference?

volatile | combustible |

As adjectives the difference between volatile and combustible

is that volatile is evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions while combustible is capable of burning.

As a noun combustible is

a material that is capable of burning.

Ignition vs Combustible - What's the difference?

ignition | combustible |

As nouns the difference between ignition and combustible

is that ignition is the act of igniting while combustible is a material that is capable of burning.

As an adjective combustible is

capable of burning.

Fuel vs Combustible - What's the difference?

fuel | combustible |

As nouns the difference between fuel and combustible

is that fuel is substance consumed to provide energy through combustion, or through chemical or nuclear reaction while combustible is a material that is capable of burning.

As a verb fuel

is to provide with fuel.

As an adjective combustible is

capable of burning.

Acrimonious vs Combustible - What's the difference?

acrimonious | combustible |

As adjectives the difference between acrimonious and combustible

is that acrimonious is angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies: bitter; mean-spirited; sharp in language or tone while combustible is capable of burning.

As a noun combustible is

a material that is capable of burning.
