mb |
printer |
As an initialism mb
is megabit, a unit of information or computer storage.
As a noun printer is
one who makes prints.
mb |
m |
As an initialism mb
is megabit, a unit of information or computer storage.
As a letter m is
the thirteenth letter of the.
As a symbol m is
mega- or
m can be the roman numeral
m (1,000).
mb |
throttle |
As an initialism mb
is megabit, a unit of information or computer storage.
As a noun throttle is
a valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls its speed; a similar valve that controls the air supply to an engine.
As a verb throttle is
to cut back on the speed of (an engine, person, organization, network connection, etc).
go |
mb |
As a noun go
is water.
As an initialism mb is
megabit, a unit of information or computer storage.
mb |
mbr |
As initialisms the difference between mb and mbr
is that
mb is megabit, a unit of information or computer storage while
mbr is master bedroom.