yhvh |
yhvh |
yhwh |
As proper nouns the difference between yhwh and yhvh
is that
yhwh is known as the "Tetragrammaton", the four Hebrew letters יהוה which are transliterated into the Latin alphabet as YHWH (or IHVH, JHVH, or YHVH). Usually vowels are added to produce the spelling Jehovah or Yahweh while
YHVH is known as the "Tetragrammaton", the four Hebrew letters יהוה which are transliterated into the Latin alphabet as YHVH (or IHVH, JHVH, or YHWH). These are usually combined with vowels in English to arrive at the spelling "Jehovah," but some Bible scholars agree that a perhaps closer pronunciation to the original Hebrew word would be something like "Yahweh".