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Commun vs Community - What's the difference?

commun | community |

As an adjective commun

is common (widespread).

As a noun community is

a group sharing a common understanding and often the same language, manners, tradition and law see civilization.

Commun vs Society - What's the difference?

commun | society |

As an adjective commun

is common (widespread).

As a noun society is

(lb) a long-standing group of people sharing cultural aspects such as language, dress, norms of behavior and artistic forms.

Common vs Commun - What's the difference?

common | commun |

Commun is often a misspelling of common.

Commun has no English definition.

As an adjective common

is mutual; shared by more than one.

As a noun common

is mutual good, shared by more than one.

As a verb common

is to communicate (something).

Taxonomy vs Commun - What's the difference?

taxonomy | commun |

As a noun taxonomy

is the science or the technique used to make a classification.

As an adjective commun is

common (widespread).