thumb |
hallux |
As nouns the difference between thumb and hallux
is that
thumb is the short thick digit of the hand that for humans has the most mobility and can be made to oppose (moved to touch) all of the other fingers while
hallux is the big toe.
As a verb thumb
is to touch or cover with the thumb.
phalanx |
hallux |
As a proper noun phalanx
is the brand name of a radar-controlled rapid fire 20mm machine gun, the
phalanx ciws (pronounced
see-wiz ), deployed on us navy ships as a last line of defense against antiship cruise missiles.
As a noun hallux is
(anatomy) the big toe.
hallux |
polled |
As a noun hallux
is the big toe.
As a verb polled is
past tense of poll.
As an adjective polled is
lopped; said of trees having their tops cut off.
hallux |
hallex |
hallux |
taxonomy |
hallux |
As nouns the difference between taxonomy and hallux
is that
taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while
hallux is (anatomy) the big toe.
hallux |
helicis |
hallux |
nomopelmous |
As a noun hallux
is (anatomy) the big toe.
As an adjective nomopelmous is
(zoology|archaic|rare) having a separate and simple tendon to flex the first toe, or hallux.