blink |
x |
As a verb blink
is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a noun blink
is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As a letter x is
the twenty-fourth letter of the.
As a symbol x is
voiceless velar fricative.
blink |
false |
As a verb blink
is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a noun blink
is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As an adjective false is
label) one of two states of a boolean variable; logic.
blink |
undefined |
As a verb blink
is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a noun blink
is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
screwup |
blink |
As nouns the difference between screwup and blink
is that
screwup is (colloquial) a substantial mistake, usually causing problems for more people than just the person or group who made it while
blink is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As a verb blink is
to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
bating |
blink |
As verbs the difference between bating and blink
is that
bating is while
blink is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a preposition bating
is apart from; except.
As a noun blink is
the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
blink |
win |
As verbs the difference between blink and win
is that
blink is to close and reopen both eyes quickly while
win is to conquer, defeat.
As nouns the difference between blink and win
is that
blink is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again while
win is pleasure; joy; delight or
win can be gain; profit; income.
blink |
smirk |
As verbs the difference between blink and smirk
is that
blink is to close and reopen both eyes quickly while
smirk is to smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous.
As nouns the difference between blink and smirk
is that
blink is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again while
smirk is an uneven, often crooked smile that is insolent, self-satisfied or scornful.
As an adjective smirk is
(obsolete) smart; spruce; affected; simpering.
blink |
since |
As a verb blink
is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a noun blink
is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As an adverb since is
from a specified time in the past.
As a preposition since is
from (time).
As a conjunction since is
from the time that.
army |
blink |
As a proper noun army
is a sports team representing the.
As a verb blink is
to close and reopen both eyes quickly.
As a noun blink is
the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
goose |
blink |
As nouns the difference between goose and blink
is that
goose is any of various grazing waterfowl of the family anatidae, bigger than a duck while
blink is the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
As verbs the difference between goose and blink
is that
goose is (slang) to sharply poke or pinch someone's buttocks derived from a goose's inclination to bite at a retreating intruder's hindquarters while
blink is to close and reopen both eyes quickly.