What's the difference between
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Likelihood vs Certainity - What's the difference?

likelihood | certainity |

As nouns the difference between likelihood and certainity

is that likelihood is the probability of a specified outcome; the chance of something happening; probability; the state of being probable while certainity is .

Possibilities vs Certainity - What's the difference?

possibilities | certainity |

As nouns the difference between possibilities and certainity

is that possibilities is while certainity is .

Ingenuity vs Certainity - What's the difference?

ingenuity | certainity |

As nouns the difference between ingenuity and certainity

is that ingenuity is the ability to solve difficult problems, often in original, clever, and inventive ways while certainity is .

Certainity vs Confidences - What's the difference?

certainity | confidences |

As nouns the difference between certainity and confidences

is that certainity is while confidences is .

Clarity vs Certainity - What's the difference?

clarity | certainity |

As nouns the difference between clarity and certainity

is that clarity is the state, or measure of being clear, either in appearance, thought or style; lucidity while certainity is .

Certitude vs Certainity - What's the difference?

certitude | certainity |

As nouns the difference between certitude and certainity

is that certitude is (uncountable) sureness, certainty while certainity is .

Certainity - What does it mean?

certainity | |

is likely misspelled.

has no English definition.

As a noun certainity

is misspelling of lang=en.

Certainity vs Certainty - What's the difference?

certainity | certainty |

As nouns the difference between certainity and certainty

is that certainity is misspelling of lang=en while certainty is the state of being certain.

Certain vs Certainity - What's the difference?

certain | certainity |

As an adjective certain

is sure, positive, not doubting.

As a determiner certain

is having been determined but unspecified. The quality of some particular subject or object which is known by the speaker to have been specifically singled out among similar entities of its class.

As a noun certainity is

misspelling of lang=en.

Possibility vs Certainity - What's the difference?

possibility | certainity |

As nouns the difference between possibility and certainity

is that possibility is the quality of being possible while certainity is .
