disposal |
dispositio |
As nouns the difference between disposal and dispositio
is that
disposal is an arrangement, categorization or classification of things while
dispositio is one of the five canons of classical rhetoric: the organization of arguments.
attitude |
dispositio |
As nouns the difference between attitude and dispositio
is that
attitude is the position of the body or way of carrying oneself; posture while
dispositio is one of the five canons of classical rhetoric: the organization of arguments.
As a verb attitude
is to assume or to place in a particular position or orientation; to pose.
dispositio |
disposition |
As nouns the difference between dispositio and disposition
is that
dispositio is one of the five canons of classical rhetoric: the organization of arguments while
disposition is the arrangement or placement of certain things.
As a verb disposition is
to remove or place in a different position.
dispositif |
dispositio |
As nouns the difference between dispositif and dispositio
is that
dispositif is a document that communicates the general stance taken by some organization or nation on a particular issue while
dispositio is one of the five canons of classical rhetoric: the organization of arguments.