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Reduplication vs Reduplicated - What's the difference?

reduplication | reduplicated |

As a noun reduplication

is (linguistics) the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating.

As a verb reduplicated is


Duplication vs Reduplication - What's the difference?

duplication | reduplication |

As nouns the difference between duplication and reduplication

is that duplication is the act of duplicating, or the state of being duplicated; a doubling; a folding over; a fold while reduplication is (linguistics) the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating.

Reduplication vs Overlap - What's the difference?

reduplication | overlap |

As nouns the difference between reduplication and overlap

is that reduplication is (linguistics) the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating while overlap is something that overlaps or is overlapped.

As a verb overlap is

to extend over and partly cover something.

Deduplication vs Reduplication - What's the difference?

deduplication | reduplication |

As nouns the difference between deduplication and reduplication

is that deduplication is the elimination of redundant duplicate data while reduplication is the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating.

Taxonomy vs Reduplication - What's the difference?

taxonomy | reduplication |

As nouns the difference between taxonomy and reduplication

is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while reduplication is (linguistics) the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating.

Reduplication vs Reduplicant - What's the difference?

reduplication | reduplicant |

As nouns the difference between reduplication and reduplicant

is that reduplication is (linguistics) the act of, or an instance of, reduplicating while reduplicant is (linguistic morphology) the reduplicated segment in a word resulting from a reduplication process.