Xe vs Xyrinterface - What's the difference?
xe | xyrinterface |
(label) they (singular).
* {{quote-web
, year = 1992
, first = Jim
, last = Sinclair
, title = If you could choose...
, site = Jim Sinclair's Web Site
, url = http://web.syr.edu/~jisincla/choice.htm
, archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20031103004908/http://web.syr.edu/~jisincla/choice.htm
, archivedate = 2003-11-03
, passage = Anyone I would be interested in would have to be a pretty special person. I wouldn't want to miss out on knowing such a person just because xe happened to be the "wrong" sex.
* {{quote-newsgroup
, date = 1993-09-14
, first = Jim
, last = Sinclair
, title = Re: Jim and Steve's snoring discussion
, newsgroup = bit.listserv.autism
, id = AUTISM%93091417074261@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU
, url = https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups!msg/bit.listserv.autism/2pyrOMzt_nQ/5J-RU5P3hnIJ
, passage = Telepathy would require that you share the other person's knowledge of xyr own mind, which in turn requires recognizing that xe' is actually aware of what ' xe' s thinking, which is incompatible with psychiatry.
* {{quote-newsgroup
, date = 1999-04-28
, first = Dagmar
, last = Alpen
, title = Re: Think of a small tribe of people...
, newsgroup = talk.politics.libertarian
, id = 7g74qb$8sq$1@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de
, url = https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups!msg/talk.politics.libertarian/Wxi8N4PwnW0/yRrhhmYAGygJ
, passage = Now full ownership in the modern sense... implies four rights of the owner: 1. The right to decide what xe does with xyr property; 2. the right to decide what others do with xyr property;
* {{quote-newsgroup
, date = 2000-12-11
, title = Silencing and ad hominem attacks
, first = Mary Ellen
, last = Curtin
, newsgroup = alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated
, id = 074d01c06393$c1a2fb00$5be9cfcf@default
, url = http://groups.google.com/group/alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated/msg/3a23ecdc585ca8b1
, passage = Since xe' went to the trouble of re-posting, I figured it was about something of more than usual importance to hir... I wrote to EmGee privately and '''xe''' said yes, that was one of the things ' xe was talking about.
* {{quote-newsgroup
, date = 2002-03-03
, title = Re: Newbie...not quite sure yet...
, first = Ken
, last = von Mattell
, newsgroup = alt.suicide.holiday
, id = rif48uc0ja9q3km9o2jf167d4u4o3qpk1k@4ax.com
, url = https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups!msg/alt.suicide.holiday/azDueNoiilA/JtxS4uc12pkJ
, passage = I mean, suppose there's someone who can't leave the house because xe''s all tied up with counting tiles in the bathroom all day, and if ' xe manages to get done with that, there's the stove to check again and again ... you get the idea.