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Wine vs Wane - What's the difference?

wine | wane |

In intransitive terms the difference between wine and wane

is that wine is to drink wine while wane is said of a time period that comes to an end.

As nouns the difference between wine and wane

is that wine is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting juice of grapes while wane is a gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc.

As verbs the difference between wine and wane

is that wine is to entertain with wine while wane is to progressively lose its splendor, value, ardor, power, intensity etc.; to decline.



(wikipedia wine)

Etymology 1

From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) .Michiel de Vaan, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages'', s.v. “v?num” (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 680.J.P. Mallory and D.Q. Adams, ''Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture , s.v. “wine” (London: Fritzroy Dearborn, 1997), 644.


  • An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting juice of grapes.
  • Wine is stronger than beer.
    She ordered some wine for the meal.
  • * 1962' (quoting '''1381 text), (Hans Kurath) & Sherman M. Kuhn, eds., ''(Middle English Dictionary) , Ann Arbor, Mich.: (University of Michigan Press), , page 1242:
  • dorr?&
  • 773;, d?r? adj. & n. toste wyte bred and do yt in dischis, and god Almande mylk.
  • An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting juice of fruits or vegetables other than grapes, usually preceded by the type of the fruit or vegetable; for example, "dandelion wine".
  • (countable) A serving of wine.
  • I'd like three beers and two wines , please.
  • (uncountable) A dark purplish red colour; the colour of red wine.
  • Hyponyms
    * See also
    Derived terms
    * Adam's wine * barley wine * blush wine * bottle of wine * bread and wine * dessert wine * fortified wine * ginger wine * good wine needs no bush * house wine * ice wine * jug wine * May wine * palm wine * palm wine guitar * pop wine * port-wine stain * put new wine in old bottles * red wine * * sparkling wine * spirits of wine * straw wine * table wine * white wine * wine and dine * wine bar * wine bottle * wine cellar * wine cooler * wine gallon * wine glass * wine grower * wine growing * wine list * wine palm * wine vinegar * wine waiter * * winebery * winebibber * winebibbing * winebottle * wine-coloured * wineery * wineglass * winegrower * wine-press * wineskin * winetaster * winetasting * winy * yellow wine


  • To entertain with wine.
  • * 1919 , Lee Meriwether, The War Diary of a Diplomat , Dodd, Mead and Company, page 159:
  • Neither Major Wadhams nor I is accustomed to being wined and dined by perfect strangers who do not even present themselves, but leave servants to do the honors, consequently to both of us our present situation smacks of romance and adventure;
  • To drink wine.
  • * 1839 , Thomas Chandler Haliburton, The Clockmaker
  • I rushed into my cabin, coffeed, wined , and went to bed sobbing.


    See also

    * * amethyst * beeswing * bourguignonne * brandy * butler * cantina * claret * coq au vin * eiswein * enology, oenology * enophile, oenophile * envined * gluhwein * kabinett * mosbolletjie * negus * oenomel * surahi * vinaceous * vinager * vinal * Vinalia * vina medicata * vinarious * vinasse * vin de pays * vindaloo * vine * vinegar * vineity * vinho verde * vini- * vinic * viniculture * vinifera, vinifera grape * viniferous * vinification * vinificator * vinify * vinipote * vinitor * vinitorian * vino * vino- * vinolence, vinolency * vinolent * vinologist * vinology * vinomadefied * vinometer * vin ordinaire * vinose * vinosity * vinotherapy * vinous * * vin rouge * vinsanto * vintage * vintner * vintry * vinum * vinum opii * vinyl * See also Related terms for vine * amontillado * Asti spumante * auslese * Bacchus * Barolo * Barsac * Beaujolais * Beaumes-de-Venise * Beerenauslese * bin end * Bordeaux * burgundy * cabernet sauvignon * canary * Catawba * cava * Chablis * champagne * chaptalize * chardonnay * Chianti * corkage * * cru * * demijohn * Dionysus * double magnum * Frascati * gamay * * glogg * Graves * hippocras * jeroboam * kir * krater * Lambrusco * LBV * lees * Liebfraumilch * malmsey * Marsala * merlot * Methuselah * Meursault * mirin * Moselle * Muscadet * muscatel * Orvieto * Pinot Grigio * Pinot Noir * pinotage * rehoboam * retsina * riesling * Rioja * sangaree * sangria * sauterne * Sauvignon blanc * scuppernong * * sherry * Soave * sommelier * * spritzer * * syrah * Tavel * Tokay * trockenbeerenauslese * tun * Valpolicella * vermouth * vigneron * Vouvray * zinfandel

    Etymology 2


  • (nonstandard, British) wind
  • * 1850 , James Orchard Halliwell, A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Fourteenth Century :
  • Vor voices rawze upon tha wine
  • * 1869 , James Jennings, The Dialect of the West of England, particularly Somersetshire :
  • Aw how sholl I tell o’m—vor âll pirty maidens
  • *:: When I pass’d ’em look’d back—ther smill rawze on tha wine .
  • 1000 English basic words English terms with homophones ----



    Etymology 1

    The noun is derived from (etyl) ("-ig" being a derivatem suffix, "-er" the suffix of comparatives).


    (en noun)
  • A gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc.
  • * 1853 , , "Bartleby, the Scrivener," in Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories'', New York: Penguin, 1968; reprinted 1995 as ''Bartleby , ISBN 0146000129, p. 3,
  • In the morning, one might say, his face was of a fine florid hue, but after twelve o'clock, meridian -- his dinner hour -- it blazed like a grate full of Christmas coals; and continued blazing -- but, as it were, with a gradual wane -- till six o'clock, PM, or thereabouts; after which, I saw no more of the proprietor of the face, [...].
  • * 1913 , Michael Ott, The Catholic Encyclopedia , "",
  • His influence which was on the wane during the reign of Joseph II grew still less during the reign of Leopold II (1790-2).
  • The lunar phase during which the sun seems to illuminate less of the moon as its sunlit area becomes less visible from Earth.
  • * 1926 , ",
  • It was very dark, for although the sky was clear the moon was now well in the wane , and would not rise till the small hours.
  • (literary) The end of a period.
  • * 1845 , ,
  • The situation of the Venetian party in the wane of the eighteenth century had become extremely critical.
  • (woodworking) A rounded corner caused by lack of wood, often showing bark.
  • * 2002 , Peter Ross, Appraisal and Repair of Timber Structures , p. 11,
  • Sapwood, or even bark, may appear on the corners, or may have been cut off, resulting in wane , or missing timber.
    * decrease, decline
    Usage notes
    * When referring to the moon or a time period, the word is found mostly in prepositional phrases like (term) or (term).


  • (label) To progressively lose its splendor, value, ardor, power, intensity etc.; to decline.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • You saw but sorrow in its waning form.
  • * Sir (Josiah Child) (1630-1699)
  • Land and trade ever will wax and wane together.
  • * 1851 , (Herman Melville), (Moby-Dick) , :
  • I have sat before the dense coal fire and watched it all aglow, full of its tormented flaming life; and I have seen it wane at last, down, down, to dumbest dust.
  • * 1902 , (John Masefield), "":
  • And in the cool twilight when the sea-winds wane
  • *{{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Michael Arlen), title= “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days, chapter=Ep./1/1
  • , passage=And so it had always pleased M. Stutz to expect great things from the dark young man whom he had first seen in his early twenties?; and his expectations had waxed rather than waned on hearing the faint bruit of the love of Ivor and Virginia—for Virginia, M. Stutz thought, would bring fineness to a point in a man like Ivor Marlay, […].}}
  • (label) Said of light that dims or diminishes in strength.
  • * 1894 , (Algernon Charles Swinburne), :
  • The skies may hold not the splendour of sundown fast; / It wanes into twilight as dawn dies down into day.
  • Said of the Moon as it passes through the phases of its monthly cycle where its surface is less and less visible.
  • * 1866 , (Sabine Baring-Gould), Curious Myths of the Middle Ages , "":
  • The fall of Jack, and the subsequent fall of Jill, simply represent the vanishing of one moon-spot after another, as the moon wanes .
  • (label) Said of a time period that comes to an end.
  • * 1894 , (Algernon Charles Swinburne), "":
  • Fast as autumn days toward winter: yet it seems//Here that autumn wanes not, here that woods and streams
  • To decrease physically in size, amount, numbers or surface.
  • * 1815 , (Walter Scott), (Guy Mannering) , chapter XIX:
  • The snow which had been for some time waning , had given way entirely under the fresh gale of the preceding night.
  • * {{quote-web, date=2012-08-30, author=Ann Gibbons, site=Science Now
  • , title= Genome Brings Ancient Girl to Life , accessdate=2012-09-04 , passage=Denisovans had little genetic diversity, suggesting that their small population waned further as populations of modern humans expanded.}}
  • To cause to decrease.
  • (Ben Jonson)
  • * 1797 , (Anna Seward), Letter to Mrs Childers of Yorkshire :
  • Proud once and princely was the mansion, ere a succession of spendthrifts waned away its splendour.
    * wax
    Derived terms
    * wax and wane

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) wean.

    Alternative forms

    * wain, waine, wean


    (en noun)
  • (Scotland, slang) A child.
  • Etymology 3

    From (etyl) , of unclear origins, compare wont.

    Alternative forms

    * wone (Southern England)


    (en noun)
  • (chiefly, Northern England, and, Scotland, obsolete) A house or dwelling.
  • Anagrams

    * * * ----