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Will vs Fill - What's the difference?

will | fill |

As proper nouns the difference between will and fill

is that will is also used as a formal given name while fill is .

As a noun will

is (american football) a weak-side linebacker.



(wikipedia will)

Etymology 1

From (etyl) wille, from (etyl) . Cognate with Dutch wil, German Wille, Swedish vilja. The verb is not always distinguishable from Etymology 2, below.


(en noun)
  • (archaic) Desire, longing. (Now generally merged with later senses.)
  • He felt a great will to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
  • One's independent faculty of choice; the ability to be able to exercise one's choice or intention.
  • Of course, man's will is often regulated by his reason.
  • One's intention or decision; someone's orders or commands.
  • Eventually I submitted to my parents' will .
  • (archaic) That which is desired; one's wish.
  • * 1590 , Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene , III.ii:
  • I auow by this most sacred head / Of my deare foster child, to ease thy griefe, / And win thy will [...].
  • The act of choosing to do something; a person’s conscious intent or volition.
  • Most creatures have a will to live.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=May 27 , author=Nathan Rabin , title=TV: Review: THE SIMPSONS (CLASSIC): “New Kid On The Block” (season 4, episode 8; originally aired 11/12/1992) , work=The Onion AV Club citation , page= , passage=The episode’s unwillingness to fully commit to the pathos of the Bart-and-Laura subplot is all the more frustrating considering its laugh quota is more than filled by a rollicking B-story that finds Homer, he of the iron stomach and insatiable appetite, filing a lawsuit against The Frying Dutchman when he’s hauled out of the eatery against his will after consuming all of the restaurant’s shrimp (plus two plastic lobsters).}}
  • A formal declaration of one's intent concerning the disposal of one's property and holdings after death; the legal document stating such wishes.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1928, author=Lawrence R. Bourne
  • , title=Well Tackled! , chapter=1 citation , passage=“Uncle Barnaby was always father and mother to me,” Benson broke in; then after a pause his mind flew off at a tangent. “Is old Hannah all right—in the will , I mean?”}}
    Usage notes
    * Can be said to be strong, free, independent, etc.
    Derived terms
    * at will * wilful, willful * willpower * with a will


  • (archaic) To wish, desire.
  • * Bible, Matthew viii. 2
  • And behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord if thou wilt , thou canst make me clean.
  • (intransitive) To instruct (that something be done) in one's will.
  • To try to make (something) happen by using one's will (intention).
  • All the fans were willing their team to win the game.
  • * Shakespeare
  • They willed me say so, madam.
  • * Beaumont and Fletcher
  • Send for music, / And will the cooks to use their best of cunning / To please the palate.
  • To bequeath (something) to someone in one's will (legal document).
  • He willed his stamp collection to the local museum.
    * (bequeath) bequeath, leave

    See also

    * bequeath * going to * modal verb * testament * volition * voluntary

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) willen, wullen, wollen, from (etyl) willan, .It is not always distinguishable from Etymology 1, above.


  • (rare) To wish, desire (something).
  • * 1944 , FJ Sheed, translating St. Augustine, Confessions :
  • Grant what Thou dost command, and command what Thou wilt .
  • (rare) To wish or desire (that something happen); to intend (that).
  • * 1526 , William Tyndale, trans. Bible , Matthew XXVI:
  • the disciples cam to Jesus sayinge unto hym: where wylt thou that we prepare for the to eate the ester lambe?
  • *:
  • see God's goodwill toward men, hear how generally his grace is proposed, to him, and him, and them, each man in particular, and to all. 1 Tim. ii. 4. "God will that all men be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth."
  • (auxiliary) To habitually do (a given action).
  • * 1994 , Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom , Abacus 2010, p. 28:
  • As young men will , I did my best to appear suave and sophisticated.
  • * 2009 , Stephen Bayley, The Telegraph , 24 Sep 09:
  • How telling is it that many women will volunteer for temporary disablement by wearing high heeled shoes that hobble them?
  • * 2011 , "Connubial bliss in America", The Economist :
  • So far neither side has scored a decisive victory, though each will occasionally claim one.
  • (auxiliary) To choose to (do something), used to express intention but without any temporal connotations (+ bare infinitive).
  • (auxiliary) Used to express the future tense, formerly with some implication of volition when used in first person. Compare (shall).
  • * (rfdate) William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night Or What You Will , act IV:
  • Good fool, as ever thou wilt deserve well at my hand, help me to a candle, and pen, ink and paper : as I am a gentleman, I will live to be thankful to thee for’t.
  • * (rfdate) Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo , chapter LXXIII:
  • “I will' rejoin you, and we ' will fly ; but from this moment until then, let us not tempt Providence, Morrel; let us not see each other; it is a miracle, it is a providence that we have not been discovered; if we were surprised, if it were known that we met thus, we should have no further resource.”
  • (auxiliary) To be able to, to have the capacity to.
  • Unfortunately, only one of these gloves will actually fit over my hand.
    Usage notes
    * Historically, will' was used in the simple future sense only in the second and third person, while ''shall'' was used in the first person. Today, that distinction is almost entirely lost, and the verb takes the same form in all persons and both numbers. Similarly, in the intent sense, '''will was historically used with the second and third person, while ''shall was reserved for the first person. * Historically, the present tense is will' and the past tense is '''would'''. Early Modern English had a past participle ' would which is now obsolete. :: Malory, ‘Many tymes he myghte haue had her and he had wold’ ; John Done, ‘If hee had would, hee might easily [...] occupied the Monarchy.’ * Formerly, will could be used elliptically for "will go" — e.g. "I'll to her lodgings" (Marlowe). * See the usage note at shall . * The present participle does not apply to the uses of will as an auxiliary verb.
    See also



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) (m), (m), from (etyl) .


    (en verb)
  • (label) To occupy fully, to take up all of.
  • * (Tobias Smollett), translator, (Don Quixote) , part 2, book 5, chapter 4:
  • * (Charles Dickens), , chapter 38:
  • And now that I have given the one chapter to the theme that so filled my heart, and so often made it ache and ache again, I pass on, unhindered, to the event that had impended over me longer yet.
  • (label) To add contents to (a container, cavity or the like) so that it is full.
  • * , chapter=3
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=My hopes wa'n't disappointed. I never saw clams thicker than they was along them inshore flats. I filled my dreener in no time, and then it come to me that 'twouldn't be a bad idee to get a lot more, take 'em with me to Wellmouth, and peddle 'em out. Clams was fairly scarce over that side of the bay and ought to fetch a fair price.}}
  • * 1950 , , The Bachelors of Broken Hill , chapter 11:
  • She continued to frown as she filled Bony's cup and added brandy to her own.
  • * 2005 , (Wendy Coakley-Thompson), , 2006 edition, ISBN 0758207484, page 10 [http://google.com/books?id=D8d9M2Lhe3IC&pg=PA10&dq=fill]:
  • She forgave him the pain as he filled' the cavity in her back molar. Three weeks later, she let him ' fill a more intimate cavity.
  • * 2006 , (Gilbert Morris), Sante Fe Woman , , page 95 [http://google.com/books?id=LepY_wtPjvIC&pg=PA95&dq=%22filled+his+plate%22]:
  • Grat Herendeen was the first man, a huge man with his bull whip coiled and over his shoulder seeming almost a part of him. He grinned at her as she filled his plate with the eggs and motioned toward the bacon. "Help yourself, Grat."
  • To enter (something), making it full.
  • * 1910 May 13, John C. Sherwin, opinion, Delashmutt et al. ''v.'' et al.'', reprinted in volume 126, ''(North Western Reporter) , page 359, at 360:
  • In the evening of the 14th of July, there was a rainfall of 3 or 3½ inches in that locality. The water filled the ditch so full that it overflowed the levees on both sides in many places.
  • * 2004 , Peter Westen, The Logic of Consent , , ISBN 0754624072, page 322 [http://google.com/books?id=17bAKRvHBkcC&pg=PA322&dq=%22as+the+crowd+filled%22]:
  • As the crowd filled the aisles, S repeated loudly what he had announced upon entering the stadium: 'I don't want anyone to touch me, and I will call the police if anyone does.'
  • (label) To become full.
  • (label) To become pervaded with something.
  • (label) To satisfy or obey (an order, request or requirement).
  • (label) To install someone, or be installed, in (a position or office), eliminating a vacancy.
  • * 1866 , , The Negro , pages 18–19 [http://google.com/books?id=E0N-AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA19&dq=filled]:
  • It is impossible to resist the conclusion, which experience and history tend to prove, that, the continuous movement of such a vast body of mankind has been influenced by natural laws, that, the negro has filled the position for which he is fitted by nature, and, that, his services were brought into use when the emergency arose necessitating his employment.
  • * 1891 January 23, Allen Morse, opinion, Lawrence ''v.'' Hanley'', reprinted in volume 47, ''Northwestern Reporter , page 753, at 755:
  • The board of supervisors called a specal(SIC) election to fill the office, and at such special election Henry C. Andrews was elected judge of probate to fill out the said term.
  • (label) To treat (a tooth) by adding a dental filling to it.
  • * "Intimate Diagnosis of Diseased Teeth", in Items of Interest: A Monthly Magazine of Dental Art, Science and Literature , volume 13, number 11, November 1891, page 657 [http://google.com/books?id=eS21AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA657&dq=%22filled+the+molar%22]:
  • Be that as it may, had the disturbance continued after our having filled the molar, and presuming that nothing had been done to the bicuspid, we might have been still as far as ever from knowing where the trouble lay.
  • (label) To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
  • * Bible, Matthew xv. 33
  • Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Things that are sweet and fat are more filling .
  • To trim (a yard) so that the wind blows on the after side of the sails.
  • Synonyms
    * pervade
    * (add contents to a container or cavity) empty * (to become full) empty
    Derived terms
    {{der3, backfill , filler , fill in , filling , filling station , fill in the blank , fill one's face , fill one's hand , fill out , fill someone's shoes , fill the bill , fill up , refill}}

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (label) A sufficient or more than sufficient amount.
  • Don't feed him any more: he's had his fill .
  • An amount that fills a container.
  • ''The mixer returned to the plant for another fill .
  • The filling of a container or area.
  • That machine can do 20 fills a minute.
    This paint program supports lines, circles, and textured fills .
  • Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction.
  • The ruins of earlier buildings were used as fill for more recent construction.
  • (label) Soil and/or human-created debris discovered within a cavity and exposed by excavation; fill soil.
  • Derived terms
    {{der3, , fill soil , , flood fill , landfill , , seed fill}}

    Etymology 3

    See (m).


    (en noun)
  • One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.
  • (Mortimer)
  • * 2008 , Martha E. Green, Pioneers in Pith Helmets
  • It was a challenge to learn to harness him, guide him slowly back between the fills of the carriage, then to fasten the right buckles and snaps, making the harness and buggy all ready for travel to church or to town.
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