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Whir vs Whirr - What's the difference?

whir | whirr |

Whirr is a alternative form of whir.

As nouns the difference between whir and whirr

is that whir is an alternative spelling of lang=en while whirr is a sibilant buzz or vibration; the sound of something in rapid motion.

As verbs the difference between whir and whirr

is that whir is an alternative spelling of lang=en while whirr is to move or vibrate (something) with a buzzing sound.




(en noun)
  • *1909 , (William Hope Hodgson), (The Ghost Pirates)
  • *:Suddenly, the time-keeper struck three bells, and the deeper notes of the bell forrard, answered them. I gave a start. It seemed to me that they had been struck close to my elbow. There was something unaccountably strange in the air that night. Then, even as the Second Mate answered the look-out's "All's well," there came the sharp whir and rattle of running gear, on the port side of the mainmast.
  • Verb

  • whirr


    Alternative forms

    * whir


    (en verb)
  • To move or vibrate (something) with a buzzing sound.
  • To make a sibilant buzzing or droning sound.
  • To cause (something) to make such a sound.
  • Synonyms

    * (make a sibilant buzzing or droning sound ): buzz, drone, hum, purr, whine, whistle, whizz * (cause (something) to make such a sound ):


    (en noun)
  • A sibilant buzz or vibration; the sound of something in rapid motion.
  • A bustle of noise and excitement.
  • Synonyms

    * (sibilant buzz or vibration ): buzz, drone, hum, purr, whine, whistle, whizz * (bustle of noise and excitement ): bustle, hustle