Weened vs Weaned - What's the difference?
weened | weaned |
(label) To suppose, imagine; to think, believe.
*:And ryght as Arthur was on horsbak / ther cam a damoisel from Morgan le fey and broughte vnto syr Arthur a swerd lyke vnto Excalibur // and sayd vnto Arthur Morgan le fey sendeth here your swerd for grete loue / and he thanked her / & wende it had ben so / but she was fals / for the swerd and the scaubard was counterfeet & brutyll and fals
*1526 , (William Tyndale), trans. (Bible) , (w) VIII:
*:Then sayde Peter unto hym: Perissh thou and thy money togedder. For thou wenest that the gyfte of god maye be obteyned with money?
(label) To expect, hope or wish.
To cease giving milk to an offspring; to accustom and reconcile (a child or young animal) to a want or deprivation of mother's milk; to take from the breast or udder.
* Bible, Genesis xxi. 8
To cause to quit something to which one is addicted or habituated.
* Jonathan Swift
To cease to depend on the mother for nourishment.
To cease to depend.
(Scotland) A small child.
* 2008 , (James Kelman), Kieron Smith, Boy , Penguin 2009, p. 92:
* Elizabeth Browning
As verbs the difference between weened and weaned
is that weened is past tense of ween while weaned is past tense of wean.weened
Etymology 1
From (etyl) wene, from (etyl) .Etymology 2
From (etyl) wenen, from (etyl) .Verb
*1481 , Author unknown (pseudonym Sir (John Mandeville)), The travels of Sir John Mandeville : *:And when they will fight they will shock them together in a plump; that if there be 20000 men, men shall not ween that there be scant 10000. *1562 , (John Heywood), The proverbs, epigrams, and miscellanies of John Heywood : *:Wise men in old time would ween' themselves fools; Fools now in new time will ' ween themselves wise. *1677 , Thomas Mall, A cloud of witnesses : *:… for I ween he will no longer suffer him to abide among the adulterous and wicked Generation of this World. *1793 , (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), (Christabel) : *:But neither heat, nor frost, nor thunder, *:Shall wholly do away, I ween , *:The marks of that which once hath been. *1884 , , (Princess Ida) : *:Yet humble second shall be first, I ween *1974 , (Stanislaw Lem), (The Cyberiad) : *:Klapaucius too, I ween , Will turn the deepest green *:To hear such flawless verse from Trurl's machine.Derived terms
* overweeningEtymology 3
* * ----weaned
Etymology 1
(etyl) wenian.Verb
(en verb)- The cow has weaned her calf.
- Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned .
- He managed to wean himself off heroin.
- The troubles of age were intended to wean us gradually from our fondness of life.
- The kittens are finally weaning .
- She is weaning from her addiction to tobacco.
Etymology 2
(en noun)- Pigs, cows and sheep and wee ducks, that was what he bought and it was just for weans and wee lasses. I said it to my maw.
- Oh it is not weans' it is children. Oh Kieron, it is children and girls, do not say ' weans and lasses.
- I, being but a yearling wean .