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Warrant vs Insurance - What's the difference?

warrant | insurance |

As nouns the difference between warrant and insurance

is that warrant is (label) a protector or defender while insurance is a means of indemnity against a future occurrence of an uncertain event.

As a verb warrant

is to protect, keep safe (from danger).



Alternative forms

* warraunt (obsolete)

Etymology 1

From (etyl), (warant), (warand) ( = (etyl) guarant > modern (garant)), present participle of a Romance verb from (etyl) *(term).


(en noun)
  • (label) A protector or defender.
  • *:
  • *:And whanne I sawe her makynge suche dole / I asked her who slewe her lorde ¶ Syre she said the falsest knyght of the world now lyuyng/ and his name is sir Breuse saunce pyte / thenne for pyte I made the damoysel to lepe on her palfroy / and I promysed her to be her waraunt / and to helpe her to entyere her lord
  • Authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior.
  • Something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof: a warrant of authenticity; a warrant for success.
  • *Garry Wills:
  • *:He almost gives his failings as a warrant for his greatness.
  • An order that serves as authorization, especially: A voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money.
  • (label) A judicial writ authorizing an officer to make a search, seizure, or arrest or to execute a judgment.
  • :
  • A warrant officer.
  • #A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer.
  • (label) An option, usually with a term at issue greater than a year, usually issued together with another security, to buy other securities of the issuer.
  • (label) A Warrant of Fitness; a document certifying that a motor vehicle meets certain standards of safety and mechanical soundness.
  • Derived terms
    * warrant card * death warrant

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl), (warantir), (warandir) ( = (etyl) guarantir > modern (garantir)), a Romance formation from the noun, Etymology 1, above.


  • To protect, keep safe (from danger).
  • *, Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.44:
  • *:all honest meanes for a man to warrant himselfe from evils are not onely tolerable, but commendable.
  • (label) To guarantee (something) to be (of a specified quality, value etc.).
  • *1851 , Herman Melville, Moby-Dick :
  • *:His pure tight skin was an excellent fit; and closely wrapped up in it, and embalmed with inner health and strength, like a revivified Egyptian, this Starbuck seemed prepared to endure for long ages to come, and to endure always, as now; for be it Polar snow or torrid sun, like a patent chronometer, his interior vitality was warranted to do well in all climates.
  • *
  • *:Thus the red damask curtains which now shut out the fog-laden, drizzling atmosphere of the Marylebone Road, had cost a mere song, and yet they might have been warranted to last another thirty years. A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor;.
  • (label) To guarantee as being true; (colloquially) to believe strongly.
  • :
  • To give (someone) a guarantee or assurance (of something); also, with double object, to guarantee (someone something).
  • *, II.ii.1.1:
  • *:Crato, in a consultation of his for a noble patient, tells him plainly, that if his highness will keep but a good diet, he will warrant him his former health.
  • (label) To authorize; to give (someone) warrant or sanction (to do something).
  • :
  • (label) To justify; to give grounds for.
  • :
  • insurance



    (wikipedia insurance) (en-noun)
  • A means of indemnity against a future occurrence of an uncertain event.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Philip E. Mirowski , title=Harms to Health from the Pursuit of Profits , volume=100, issue=1, page=87 , magazine= citation , passage=In an era when political leaders promise deliverance from decline through America’s purported preeminence in scientific research, the news that science is in deep trouble in the United States has been as unwelcome as a diagnosis of leukemia following the loss of health insurance .}}
    The car was totalled, but fortunately I had insurance .
  • The business of providing insurance.
  • After five years in banking, I switched to insurance .
  • Metaphoric: Any attempt to anticipate an unfavorable event.
  • The sky was clear, but I took my umbrella for insurance .
  • Blackjack: A bet made after the deal, which pays off if the dealer has blackjack.
  • I only take insurance if the count is right.
  • (countable) An insurance policy
  • * {{quote-news, year=2009, date=February 18, author=Cheryl Critchley, title=Free child care for Victorian bushfire victims, work=Herald Sun citation
  • , passage="The children need to get back to some level of normalcy and their families can certainly use some respite to deal with things such as insurances , licences and other things they have lost," he said. }}

    Derived terms

    {{der3, automobile insurance , car insurance , casualty insurance , credit insurance , earthquake insurance , fire insurance , flood insurance , freight insurance , group insurance , health insurance , insure , insurer , insurance adjuster , insurance agent , insurance agency , insurance claim , insurance company , insurance fraud , insurance plan , insurance policy , insurance premium , insurance scam , liability insurance , life insurance , malpractice insurance , no-fault insurance , pet insurance , property insurance , reinsurance , term life insurance , transportation insurance , unemployment insurance , whole-life insurance , insurance agency}}

    See also

    * actuary * annuity * broker * float * underwriter * workers’ compensation